17 September 2008

In Which Rayla Becomes Infuriated With The Idiotic Technology On USB Drives. GRRRR!!!

So guess what, guys. I was trying to update my blog and upload a bunch of entries that I wrote over the weekend and stuff, but they're all in a word document saved on this USB drive, and THE IDIOTIC WINDOWS COMPUTERS WON'T RECOGINIZE IT!

And the most annoying thing is that it recognized the SAME USB last week. Why not today? WHY NOT? Freaking idiotic windows. Die, die, die.

So yeah, I wrote you some lovely entries and stuff, but unfortunately you might have to wait a bit until I can actually post it for you. I apologize profusely.


Die Windows.


Katelyn said...

Haha. Sending you some windows death to help in your murderous adventures.


Unknown said...

LOL Rayla, that really stinks. =\ Man, technology is just stupid. -_- Je vous souhaite bonne chance dans sa mise au travail. x) (Yay for Google translate!)